A long time.............
And I havent been here..
So many things have happened since the last time I wrote..
We have left the place of terror and we know live in a small village..my son is a happy kid and hes secure. Hes new school is small and great in the matter that they do not tolerate abusers in any form.
I got married too in the 20 of august and it was a garden wedding at home in our backyard.
Im so happy and it was wonderful..I will hopefully be able to share a picture here..if it works attachs a photo,but that will be next time I write here.
Take care everyone..
By for know
Happy great news......
We are fianally moving from this awful place..At the first of july were out of here...at last, peace and serenity for my son..were moving out of Gothenburg to the countrieside..6 weeks to get organized and packed and then fianally were out of here..Only wanted to let you all know this..Will write more later..Take care..Annelie
It seems....................
As I cant get my mind to function when it comes to updating you on this blog,so sorry for that.Things have happened in my country,and due to that a campaign has started called "saftypins" wisch is 2 saftypins in a cross shape.It started because of a little boy that was called Bobby...I write was, bacause he was brutaly murderd by his stepfather and birhtmum a while ago.A lady got tired of hearing about all the brutality that happens to kids around in sweden, and I thought I should spread it here as there is kids all over the world that suffers the same destiny...Its so sad that the swedish goverment wont listen and change the laws so all the children can have what they need....and I know its the same way all over the world.Therefor I plee..spread this campaign over the internet, to all who cares about our future-our children...My son played and had fun with Bobby one summer..havent told my son yet what has happened.Its so sad what happened to little Bobby and its so sad that we arent able to stop this meaningless violence towards children, maybe the "saftyneedle" campaign will help our goverments wake up and see the children who are in need and suffering from different kinds of abuse..So spread wide...........Take care everyone and thank you for reading my blog...Annelie
So many things......................
Has happened the past month, and im sorry that I havent written anything for a long time..Life is both up and down at the moment..My hubby has lost his job for reason unknown and where awaiting a hearing about that in civilcourt any day now..Pray for him/us that we win it...Our laywer is very sure about us winning it..We are both ill here too..aces and pain, so even if im not here writing im here in thougt about the hope that I soon can give You good news about life for us..Hoping still to be able to move soon..pray for this..Thats all for the time being..Take care all of You who follow my ups and downs........Annelie
My page has...
A new entry..Called a suprise of a lifetime..And when you read it you will surely understand why it was a suprise...If you dont know where to find the page the adress is as follows;http://www.finelady68.cashhosters.com/fineladyEnjoy your reading..When it comes to the rest of us,theres not much changes, althougt were know planning a few exiting things-if it works out.The laywer is working on getting my hubby paid from being fired..They are nuts at his job...cause they will have to pay not only salary but also for damage maid towards us..unless they give a very good answer to why the fired my hubby..We havent been able to find one single reason to it..Keep your fingers crossed and keep praying for us!!
Tired beyond belief.........
Im so tired...more tired that I could ever understand that one may get..Tired because my little girl has refused to sleep the 2 past nights..And due to my fibromyalgia...Have pain beyond belief too..normally I cope with it..but today-I dont know what to do or say..And its snowing..I hate it..want it to be summer..When it comes to my son..well where still in the same place, but at last someone is trying to do something to get us out of here..They have fianally realized that this aint working..that my son is not doing well here...And they have understood the need for us to relocate..even thou it might mean that we have to leave our hometown and move far from it..Never mind that, whats most important is that my son will be safe..Although this is the perfect exampel of how little the swedish goverment takes care of those in need...especially children and abused woman..We are not the one that are suppose to have to run..but the goverment has shown that the affenders are more protected than the victims over and over...When woman and children has to go in to hiding ..one wonders???Arent the bad guys the ones that should be hiding and get looked up??One can wonder??
A small thing........
Placed at my nichesite www.finelady68.cashhosters.com/finelady Its a little about my dearest father whom should have turened 70 this year..Its a little about how much I miss him and really would have needed him around know...Everyone of you thats followes this page..knows about my struggle, even thou lately I havent written so much..Hope you`ll like reading about my daddy........For all of you out there, keep praying for us, there still hasent been any working solution created for my son......And know kids have started to mess with him in school to it seems...At least thats what he told me this morning......Im sad, angry and stressed out ....no wonder I would need my daddy here..he would have known what to do........