Tired beyond belief.........
Im so tired...more tired that I could ever understand that one may get..
Tired because my little girl has refused to sleep the 2 past nights..
And due to my fibromyalgia...
Have pain beyond belief too..normally I cope with it..but today-I dont know what to do or say..
And its snowing..I hate it..want it to be summer..
When it comes to my son..well where still in the same place, but at last someone is trying to do something to get us out of here..
They have fianally realized that this aint working..that my son is not doing well here...
And they have understood the need for us to relocate..even thou it might mean that we have to leave our hometown and move far from it..
Never mind that, whats most important is that my son will be safe..
Although this is the perfect exampel of how little the swedish goverment takes care of those in need...especially children and abused woman..
We are not the one that are suppose to have to run..but the goverment has shown that the affenders are more protected than the victims over and over...
When woman and children has to go in to hiding ..one wonders???
Arent the bad guys the ones that should be hiding and get looked up??
One can wonder??
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